Wednesday, July 11, 2007

From Nortel Exec to Head of Street Kids

Rosemary McCarney won't let you forget about the 100 million kids making a life on the streets.

by Caroline Nolan

On the 2nd floor office in a fashionably funky building in downtown Toronto, Rosemary McCarney looks out at a city which by her own estimate, is home to as many as 10,000 of the estimated 100 million street kids in the World today.
As executive director of Street Kids International (SKI), and charged with a passion for bettering their lives and future, the 49-year-old lawyer, former World Bank and Nortel executive reflects on the irony of thousands of homeless kids living and begging amid the corporate hum and hustle that place Toronto among the richest cities in the World.
Ironic too, that Canada- widely viewed as one of the best countries in the World to live in - is home to an estimated 34,000 more. Horrific as those numbers are, as monumental as the task may seem, Rosemary McCarney views her challenge with the kind of optimism that is infectious and goes a long way toward explaining the extraordinary international reputation of the Canadian based organisation.
Full Article

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